Emergency Medical


It will likely be your medical and not the tactical skills that will ultimately save your client’s life.

Security solutions – the role of tactical vs. medical skills 

Social media sites like Instagram and Facebook are full of security operatives running around and showing tactical firearm drills. The truth is that as a close protection officer, you will lose the ability to put your hands on the firearms the moment your client decides to go abroad. You might have permission to carry weapons in the country of your residence, but this finishes the moment you cross the borders of your country. This will be the moment where your intelligence gathering, social skills, manipulation techniques, adaptability and medical skills will play the leading role.

In the world of close protection security, it is essential to strike a balance between tactical training and medical training. Both aspects are crucial when it comes to protecting high-profile individuals and ensuring their safety. However, in certain scenarios, the importance of medical training over tactical training becomes evident.

Should close protection officers have medical knowledge and training?

Medical training for close protection officers is crucial, particularly when working in remote areas where access to immediate medical assistance may be limited. Close protection officers and Security Advisors, are responsible for ensuring the safety and security of their clients. Their role goes beyond providing physical protection; they also need to be prepared to handle medical emergencies that may arise during their duty. When operating in remote areas, the need for medical training becomes even more evident. Remote areas often lack the necessary healthcare infrastructure and prompt emergency response teams, making it paramount for close protection officers to possess the knowledge and skills to provide essential medical care until advanced medical assistance can be obtained.

The primary reason why close protection officers should have medical training is to address immediate threats to life. Emergencies such as gunshot wounds, stab wounds, traumatic injuries, or severe allergic reactions can occur unexpectedly. Without proper medical training, a close protection officer may not possess the skills to stabilize the injured person, control bleeding, or manage other life-threatening situations, potentially exacerbating the condition or leading to loss of life.

Responsibility of close protection officers at key moments 

Remote areas often present unique challenges for medical assistance. Geographical obstacles, rugged terrains, and long distances from medical facilities can increase response times significantly. In such cases, close protection officers with adequate medical training can make the difference between life and death. With their expertise, they can administer first aid, perform basic procedures, and facilitate the patient’s transfer to a healthcare facility while minimizing the risks associated with delayed medical assistance.

Moreover, having trained close protection officers with medical skills contributes to overall situational awareness and operational effectiveness. They can accurately assess potential risks associated with a client’s health, mitigating the chance of medical emergencies in the first place. By being able to identify symptoms, administer vital medications in time, and provide accurate medical information to emergency services, they play a critical role in ensuring a swift and appropriate response from medical professionals.

Dealing with any medical emergency – protection at all times

In conclusion, remote areas pose unique challenges when it comes to accessing immediate medical assistance. For close protection officers working in such environments, having medical training is not just an added advantage but a necessity.

While both tactical and medical training are vital components of a close protection officer’s skill set, the importance of medical training cannot be overstated. It ensures the officer’s ability to provide immediate medical assistance, contributes to the client’s overall safety, and enhances their professional capabilities. Ultimately, close protection officers who possess a strong foundation in medical training act as a reassuring presence, ready to handle any medical emergencies that may arise while safeguarding the lives of those they protect.